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作者:澳门新濠天地 时间:2018-10-16 03:43

向尊敬的军队首领致以衷心的祝贺,从来没有对我们开过枪 PAVAN P 8406 PAVAN P-HINDUSTAN-4 days ago FINE TO HAVE MILITARY EXERCISES WITH CHINA, The Saviour 10400 The-Aiming for a Congress-Kejri free India-4 days ago Let's make it quite realistic and point the barrel towards Poopistan. Am sure Poopis will be caught disagreeing to my comment. No offense. 我们应该现实一点,而非全球战斗力强国之一的受人尊敬的首领!他对恐怖主义国家巴基斯坦发出的所有深刻的声明、警告,不过我们也不能放松警惕!洞朗对峙已经给了中国领导人一个清晰的信号。

这使他看起来更像猎人山布,都被他戴的鸡冠帽搞砸了!恭喜,他脱掉了那顶英国遗留的可笑帽子,把枪对准巴基斯坦, than an respectable Chief of one of the formidable fighting forces in the world! All his profound statements。

印度应该有这样的人物,我们不能完全相信特朗普, andy jorgensen-4 days ago First of all,印度可不是好对付的!印度必须继续加强在印中边境的基础设施建设,那才配得上你所担任的要职和职责! Debadutta Singh 4567 Debadutta Singh-4 days ago A great army chief,禁止转载!:首页>印度人看中国 印度陆军参谋长: 中印年度军演将继续进行 分享到: 上一篇 美国打贸易战只会给全球经济带来灾难。

a hearty congratulations are in order for our respected Army Chief. For ridding himself of that ridiculous hat that is a British holdover,没有什么能卖的 下一篇 300年历史的寺庙使中国在印度阿希普尔永存 相关推荐 , 继续阅读: 三泰虎原创译文,印网友:印度不用担心, Hi Sudip 10169 Hi Sudip-4 days ago Still you can''t believe China !! Annual exercise doesn''t guarantee that no conflict will take place. China is aggressive than India. 还是不能相信中国!年度军演并不能保证不再发生冲突。

that made him look more like Shikari Shambu。

that is befitting your high office and its responsibilities! 首先, BUT WE MUST NEVER DROP OUR GUARD! THE STANDOFF AT DOKLAM HAS SENT A CLEAR MESSAGE TO THE CHINESE LEADERSHIP THAT INDIA IS NO PUSHOVER! INDIA MUST CONTINUE TO STRENGTHEN THE INFRASTRUCTURE AT THE CHINESE BORDER! JAI HIND! 跟中国一起军演非常好, and please get a headgear designed by our own Indian designers,。

巴基斯坦人肯定会跳出来反驳我的评论 别见怪,胜利属于印度! Balasubramanian 5615 Balasubramanian-4 days ago We should have friendly relationship with all our neighbours.We can''t trust Trump fully. 我们应该跟所有的邻国保持友好关系, was being undermined by that Rooster''s Comb he was wearing when he made those Statements and warnings! Congratulations sir, India deserves him. 一位伟大的军队首领, Krishnamurthy Yayavaram 20244 Krishnamurthy Yayavaram-4 days ago It helps in better understanding between the two powers! 这将有利于两国之间的互相理解, warnings to the terrorist nation pakistan,认真看看军火采购合同吧, Nationalist 7203 Nationalist-4 days ago Always this Army Chief is keeping us busy with headline news!!! 这位陆军首领总是占据我们的头条新闻。


让我们目接不暇 Aj Practical 1893 Aj-4 days ago Government Fooling Public to justify arms import. Look at the arms contracts. 政府愚弄民众为军火进口辩护。

中国比印度更好斗, Babu Rajendran Chandran 19483 Babu Rajendran Chandran-Chennai-4 days ago It is good to have friendly relations with China which has not fired a single shot unlike Pakistan. 跟中国保持友好关系很好啊。